/* global FusionApp, fusionAllElements, FusionPageBuilderApp */ var FusionPageBuilder = FusionPageBuilder || {}; ( function () { jQuery( document ).ready( function () { FusionPageBuilder.fusion_submenu = FusionPageBuilder.ElementView.extend( { onRender: function() { var self = this; setTimeout( function() { jQuery( '#fb-preview' )[ 0 ].contentWindow.jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'fusion-element-render-fusion_menu', self.model.get( 'cid' ) ); }, 300 ); }, /** * Modify template attributes. * * @since 3.0 * @param {Object} atts - The attributes object. * @return {Object} */ filterTemplateAtts: function ( atts ) { var attributes = {}; this.values = atts.values; // Force opacity submenu transition for vertical menus. this.values.expand_transition = 'row' !== this.values.direction ? 'opacity' : this.values.expand_transition; attributes.attr = this.buildAttr(); attributes.menuMarkup = 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data && 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data.menu_markup ? atts.query_data.menu_markup : 'No menu markup'; return attributes; }, isDefault: function( param ) { return this.values[ param ] === fusionAllElements.fusion_submenu.defaults[ param ]; }, /** * Builds attributes. * * @since 3.0 * @return {Object} */ buildAttr: function () { var attr = { class: [ 'awb-submenu', 'awb-submenu_' + this.values.direction, 'awb-submenu_icons-' + this.values.icons_position, 'awb-submenu_dc-' + this.values.dropdown_carets ].join( ' ' ), style: '' }, cssVarsOptions, cssVariables, self = this; let expandMethod = this.values.expand_method; if ( 'stacked' === this.values.submenu_mode && 'column' === this.values.direction ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_v-stacked'; if ( 'always' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_em-always'; } expandMethod = this.values.stacked_expand_method; if ( 'always' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) { expandMethod = 'click'; } if ( 'click' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_cm_' + this.values.stacked_click_mode; } } else { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_dropdown'; attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_expand-' + this.values.expand_direction; attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_transition-' + this.values.expand_transition; } attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_em-' + expandMethod; attr[ 'data-cid' ] = this.model.get( 'cid' ); attr[ 'class' ] += _.fusionGetStickyClass( this.values.sticky_display ); attr[ 'data-transition-type' ] = this.values.transition_type; if ( '' !== this.values[ 'class' ] ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' ' + this.values[ 'class' ]; } if ( '' !== this.values.id ) { attr.id = this.values.id; } attr = _.fusionAnimations( this.values, attr ); attr = _.fusionVisibilityAtts( this.values.hide_on_mobile, attr ); this.values.main_justify_content = this.values.main_justify_content.replace( 'left', 'flex-start' ).replace( 'right', 'flex-end' ); this.values.sub_justify_content = this.values.sub_justify_content.replace( 'left', 'flex-start' ).replace( 'right', 'flex-end' ); cssVarsOptions = [ 'line_height', 'transition_time', 'fusion_font_family_typography', 'fusion_font_variant_typography', 'text_transform', 'bg', 'align_items', 'justify_content', 'border_color', 'color', 'active_color', 'active_bg', 'active_border_color', 'submenu_color', 'submenu_bg', 'submenu_sep_color', 'submenu_items_padding_top', 'submenu_items_padding_right', 'submenu_items_padding_bottom', 'submenu_items_padding_left', 'fusion_font_family_submenu_typography', 'fusion_font_variant_submenu_typography', 'submenu_active_bg', 'submenu_active_color', 'submenu_space', 'submenu_text_transform', 'submenu_line_height', 'submenu_letter_spacing', 'submenu_max_width', 'icons_size', 'icons_color', 'icons_hover_color', 'main_justify_content', 'sub_justify_content', 'sticky_min_height', 'stacked_submenu_indent' ]; cssVarsOptions.margin_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.margin_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.gap = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.min_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_space = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_width = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; attr.style += this.getCssVarsForOptions( cssVarsOptions ); cssVariables = {}; // Add box shadow as a full string. if ( 'yes' === this.values.box_shadow ) { cssVariables.box_shadow = _.fusionGetBoxShadowStyle( this.values ); } jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) { cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-typography' ] = value; } ); jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'submenu_typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) { cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-submenu-typography' ] = value; } ); attr.style += this.getCustomCssVars( cssVariables ); return attr; }, /** * Runs just after render on cancel. * * @since 3.5 * @return null */ beforeGenerateShortcode: function() { var elementType = this.model.get( 'element_type' ), options = fusionAllElements[ elementType ].params, values = jQuery.extend( true, {}, fusionAllElements[ elementType ].defaults, _.fusionCleanParameters( this.model.get( 'params' ) ) ); if ( 'object' !== typeof options ) { return; } // If images needs replaced lets check element to see if we have media being used to add to object. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.fusion_element_type || 'fusion_template' === FusionApp.getPost( 'post_type' ) ) ) { this.mapStudioImages( options, values ); if ( '' !== values.menu ) { // If its not within object already, add it. if ( 'undefined' === typeof FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] ) { FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] = true; } } } } } ); } ); }( jQuery ) ); Turf Solutions – Greenview Turf

Mon – Sat 9.00 – 18.00

Sunday Holiday

Greenview Turf

Turf Solutions

Welcome to Greenview Turf

Professional Turfing, Landscaping
Services By Greenview Turf


Transform your business’ landscape with our lifelike, durable, and cost-saving artificial grass products.


Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, which is why homeowners across


Our putting greens are versatile and can be adapted to all different styles of play — everything from fun for


Say goodbye to dead grass, mud-spots, holes and hard-to-clean pet messes Greenview Turf uses TigerTurf’s


Provide kids with hours of outdoor fun with Greenview Turf;s customizable, non-toxic