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'opacity' : this.values.expand_transition; attributes.attr = this.buildAttr(); attributes.menuMarkup = 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data && 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data.menu_markup ? atts.query_data.menu_markup : 'No menu markup'; return attributes; }, isDefault: function( param ) { return this.values[ param ] === fusionAllElements.fusion_submenu.defaults[ param ]; }, /** * Builds attributes. * * @since 3.0 * @return {Object} */ buildAttr: function () { var attr = { class: [ 'awb-submenu', 'awb-submenu_' + this.values.direction, 'awb-submenu_icons-' + this.values.icons_position, 'awb-submenu_dc-' + this.values.dropdown_carets ].join( ' ' ), style: '' }, cssVarsOptions, cssVariables, self = this; let expandMethod = this.values.expand_method; if ( 'stacked' === this.values.submenu_mode && 'column' === this.values.direction ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_v-stacked'; if ( 'always' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) { attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_em-always'; } expandMethod = this.values.stacked_expand_method; 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cssVarsOptions.margin_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.gap = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.min_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.active_border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_space = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.submenu_font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_width = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit }; attr.style += this.getCssVarsForOptions( cssVarsOptions ); cssVariables = {}; // Add box shadow as a full string. if ( 'yes' === this.values.box_shadow ) { cssVariables.box_shadow = _.fusionGetBoxShadowStyle( this.values ); } jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) { cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-typography' ] = value; } ); jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'submenu_typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) { cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-submenu-typography' ] = value; } ); attr.style += this.getCustomCssVars( cssVariables ); return attr; }, /** * Runs just after render on cancel. * * @since 3.5 * @return null */ beforeGenerateShortcode: function() { var elementType = this.model.get( 'element_type' ), options = fusionAllElements[ elementType ].params, values = jQuery.extend( true, {}, fusionAllElements[ elementType ].defaults, _.fusionCleanParameters( this.model.get( 'params' ) ) ); if ( 'object' !== typeof options ) { return; } // If images needs replaced lets check element to see if we have media being used to add to object. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.fusion_element_type || 'fusion_template' === FusionApp.getPost( 'post_type' ) ) ) { this.mapStudioImages( options, values ); if ( '' !== values.menu ) { // If its not within object already, add it. if ( 'undefined' === typeof FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] ) { FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] = true; } } } } } ); } ); }( jQuery ) ); About Us – Greenview Turf

Mon – Sat 9.00 – 18.00

Sunday Holiday

Greenview Turf

About Us

Award Winning Landscaper

About Our Company

We Can Create an Environment That’s Beyond
Your Imagination.

We are dedicated to providing our customers with the most realistic looking and feeling synthetic grass products available alongside flawless installations to ensure our client’s happiness for years to come. We provide the best synthetic grass installation with high-quality premium products all throughout l.a county, California. The path to a perfect lawn starts here! Maintenance free yard. No mowing, no watering, no fertilizing! Great return on investment!

We endeavor to keep things as straightforward & precise as we can.

Albert, CEO & Founder of Greenview Turf

In order to guarantee our clients' delight, we are committed to offering them the most suitable & customized services available together with faultless installations

With top-notch premium service and restoration, we offer the best artificial grass installation. Here is where the road to the ideal lawn begins! Outstanding return on your investment

Providing you the ideal solution for your landscaping needs is our foremost priority at Greenview Turf. Find your solution here at the most affordable pricing

Some Features

Reson for Choosing Greenview Turf