/* global FusionApp, fusionAllElements, FusionPageBuilderApp */
var FusionPageBuilder = FusionPageBuilder || {};
( function () {
jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
FusionPageBuilder.fusion_submenu = FusionPageBuilder.ElementView.extend( {
onRender: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
jQuery( '#fb-preview' )[ 0 ].contentWindow.jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'fusion-element-render-fusion_menu', self.model.get( 'cid' ) );
}, 300 );
* Modify template attributes.
* @since 3.0
* @param {Object} atts - The attributes object.
* @return {Object}
filterTemplateAtts: function ( atts ) {
var attributes = {};
this.values = atts.values;
// Force opacity submenu transition for vertical menus.
this.values.expand_transition = 'row' !== this.values.direction ? 'opacity' : this.values.expand_transition;
attributes.attr = this.buildAttr();
attributes.menuMarkup = 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data && 'undefined' !== typeof atts.query_data.menu_markup ? atts.query_data.menu_markup : 'No menu markup';
return attributes;
isDefault: function( param ) {
return this.values[ param ] === fusionAllElements.fusion_submenu.defaults[ param ];
* Builds attributes.
* @since 3.0
* @return {Object}
buildAttr: function () {
var attr = {
class: [
'awb-submenu_' + this.values.direction,
'awb-submenu_icons-' + this.values.icons_position,
'awb-submenu_dc-' + this.values.dropdown_carets
].join( ' ' ),
style: ''
self = this;
let expandMethod = this.values.expand_method;
if ( 'stacked' === this.values.submenu_mode && 'column' === this.values.direction ) {
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_v-stacked';
if ( 'always' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) {
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_em-always';
expandMethod = this.values.stacked_expand_method;
if ( 'always' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) {
expandMethod = 'click';
if ( 'click' === this.values.stacked_expand_method ) {
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_cm_' + this.values.stacked_click_mode;
} else {
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_dropdown';
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_expand-' + this.values.expand_direction;
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_transition-' + this.values.expand_transition;
attr[ 'class' ] += ' awb-submenu_em-' + expandMethod;
attr[ 'data-cid' ] = this.model.get( 'cid' );
attr[ 'class' ] += _.fusionGetStickyClass( this.values.sticky_display );
attr[ 'data-transition-type' ] = this.values.transition_type;
if ( '' !== this.values[ 'class' ] ) {
attr[ 'class' ] += ' ' + this.values[ 'class' ];
if ( '' !== this.values.id ) {
attr.id = this.values.id;
attr = _.fusionAnimations( this.values, attr );
attr = _.fusionVisibilityAtts( this.values.hide_on_mobile, attr );
this.values.main_justify_content = this.values.main_justify_content.replace( 'left', 'flex-start' ).replace( 'right', 'flex-end' );
this.values.sub_justify_content = this.values.sub_justify_content.replace( 'left', 'flex-start' ).replace( 'right', 'flex-end' );
cssVarsOptions = [
cssVarsOptions.margin_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.margin_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.gap = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.min_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.active_border_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.active_border_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.active_border_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.active_border_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_top_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_border_radius_bottom_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_space = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_top = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_bottom = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_left = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_items_padding_right = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.submenu_font_size = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_width = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
cssVarsOptions.thumbnail_size_height = { 'callback': _.fusionGetValueWithUnit };
attr.style += this.getCssVarsForOptions( cssVarsOptions );
cssVariables = {};
// Add box shadow as a full string.
if ( 'yes' === this.values.box_shadow ) {
cssVariables.box_shadow = _.fusionGetBoxShadowStyle( this.values );
jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) {
cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-typography' ] = value;
} );
jQuery.each( _.fusionGetFontStyle( 'submenu_typography', self.values, 'object' ), function( rule, value ) {
cssVariables[ 'fusion-' + rule + '-submenu-typography' ] = value;
} );
attr.style += this.getCustomCssVars( cssVariables );
return attr;
* Runs just after render on cancel.
* @since 3.5
* @return null
beforeGenerateShortcode: function() {
var elementType = this.model.get( 'element_type' ),
options = fusionAllElements[ elementType ].params,
values = jQuery.extend( true, {}, fusionAllElements[ elementType ].defaults, _.fusionCleanParameters( this.model.get( 'params' ) ) );
if ( 'object' !== typeof options ) {
// If images needs replaced lets check element to see if we have media being used to add to object.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && FusionApp.data.replaceAssets && ( 'undefined' !== typeof FusionApp.data.fusion_element_type || 'fusion_template' === FusionApp.getPost( 'post_type' ) ) ) {
this.mapStudioImages( options, values );
if ( '' !== values.menu ) {
// If its not within object already, add it.
if ( 'undefined' === typeof FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] ) {
FusionPageBuilderApp.mediaMap.menus[ values.menu ] = true;
} );
} );
}( jQuery ) );
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